What is Treaty Day?

Treaty Day is celebrated in Nova Scotia on October 1st each year. Treaty Day recognizes Mi’kmaq treaties signed in 1752.


Treaty Day festivities reflect the beliefs of the Mi’kmaq people with respect to the obligations of our Treaty Rights. Throughout the festivities, the Nova Scotia population becomes more aware of the Mi’kmaq Nation and our history, which will only enrich their own cultural and historical knowledge of the Mi’kmaq, but will also enable the Mi’kmaq Nation to be recognized in a manner of which they are deserving.


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What is a Treaty & Why is it Important?

When the English arrived in Mi’kma’ki (Maritimes region), the Mi’kmaq and the Crown signed treaties of peace and friendship so they could live in harmony and peace.


Mi’kma’ki is the Mi’kmaq homeland that includes present-day Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, central and eastern New Brunswick, the Gaspe Peninsula and Newfoundland.


The 1752 Treaty showed the Crown’s intentions to make peace, provide trading posts, and protect the land and way of life for the Mi’kmaw people. The Treaty also designated October 1st as the date on which the Mi’kmaw people would receive gifts from the Crown to “renew their friendship and submissions.”

What is Mi’kmaq History Month?

Each October, we commemorate Mi’kmaq History Month to celebrate and reflect upon our region’s first people, the Mi’kmaq. For thousands of years, the Mi’kmaq have called this land home, and through a dark history with our country, have continued to thrive. Mi’kmaq History Months is a time for learning and unlearning, and for the Mi’kmaq to be proud of our traditions and ancestors, who we carry with us today. To learn more about Mi’kmaq History, you can visit the Membertou Heritage Park exhibit, or take a Mi’kmaq Medicine Walk.